Professional Real Estate Management Software

  • Name: AGIPRO
  • Category : Desktop application
  • Customer : Real estate agencies
  • Completion date: 01 April, 2022
  • Used technologies : JAVA
AGIPRO is an estate management application developed by Uni2grow Cameroon Ltd. A part from the optimization of your estate activity management, AGIPRO has a set of functionalities which will totally transforme your way of apprehending the estate activity.

AGIPRO client features

Manage your real state agencie professionally

In addition to the classic functionalities of all real estate management application, AGIPRO integrates a set of other functionalities that will only bring you satisfaction in the exercise of your activity.

Property management and owners

AGIPRO facilitates the management of owners, properties and sub-properties, including account tracking.

Client management (buyers and tenants)

AGIPRO centralizes client information, improves communication and optimizes your real estate activities.

Work management

AGIPRO offers a technician rating system and flexibility to settle jobs by owners.

Contract management

Automatic generation of documents, with advanced formatting, offering the possibility of terminating or renewing a contract, whether automatically or expressly, with or without cost.

Accounting and treasury

This module permits you to generate your accounting entries and manage your accounting without changing software. The treasury function manages cash and bank accounts.

Alert management

An alert management module is available to permit you notify both your clients and yourself of the approach of a rental due date or the imminent end of a current contract.


Some screenshots


Revolutionize your real estate

Minimal configuration system required

Operating system: Windows XP Windows XP, Windows 7 +

Processor: 1Ghz

RAM: 512 Mo

Hard drive: 20 Go

Screen resolution: 1024 X 768 Px


Support for the installation and configuration of external tools.

This version is completely autonomous. This means that it has an installer which automatically installs and configures all external tools (JAVA 7, MYSQL 5) used by AGIPRO. It thus permits to avoid downloading and as well as the configuration of these external tools used by the application. It also provides a set of test data (users, clients, proprietor, property, etc) that permits you to directly carry out a simulation of the application functionalities. You can of course empty the test data at any moment to use the software in production (Help menu).

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Agipro 1.0: Lite version

It contains only the the AGIPRO installation program. You will have to manually install tools like java, MySQL, and configure AGIPRO so that it can use them. This requires on the part of the user not only knowledge in the installation and the configuration of a MySQL server, but also in the installation of Java.

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Using manual : french version

Complete documentation of the application in french.

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